Deadheading is the act of removing spent flowers or flowerheads for aesthetics, to prolong bloom for up to several weeks or promote rebloom, or to prevent seeding.
If you're lacking hips and wondering why, it's probably because you are too efficient and hastened last summer to clip your roses' spent flowers.
As lilacs fade, prune lightly to remove spent flowers.
Remove the spent flowers regularly and clip off any yellowing leaves.
I do not deadhead the spent flowers because the hips are attractive and because they feed wildlife.
To keep the plants in bloom, the spent flowers must be snipped away.
Keep removing spent flowers from annuals like cosmos and snapdragons.
Continue to dead-head or cut down spent flowers of herbaceous plants where necessary.
In August, seeds will be ripening on thousands of spent flowers.
Continued blooming is encouraged by deadheading spent flowers.