Two touching spheres, connected at a point, form the curved line which has become the new "added element" in Sterligov's system.
Because it is not feasible to simulate the interactions of every single atom in a long protein, modelers pick out the ones they hope are most important, depicting them as hard little spheres connected by elastic bands.
Gedak A steel mace, essentially consisting of a sphere connected to a handle.
In the center of this square space station is a sphere connected by four tubes to the square outer ring of the space station.
A gyroscope is mounted in a sphere, lined with Mu-metal to reduce magnetic influence, connected by a spindle to the vertical axis of the theodolite.
The example I was given was this: Consider Me, holding a pair of positively charged spheres connected by a piece of thread.
"At the recitation of the third verse, the back plate drops to form two spheres connected by rods. "
"Its expanses you see. . .'" Now the back plate was supposed to drop to form two spheres connected by rods.
The atoms are typically represented by spheres, connected by rods which represent the bonds.
He was on the sphere connected to the Realms, and somewhere out there was the sphere of Tarterus that was linked to the saurial's home world.