The crop fields dominating the inside of the spherical hull were now battlefields.
The spherical hull of the Tosoma resounded like a giant bell.
Their gleaming spherical hulls were inclosed by invisible screens of energy.
Within a few minutes the spherical hull of the light cruiser began to vibrate strenuously.
The craft, their spherical hulls open, settled into the Qax ocean.
He didn't want to arouse their suspicion by using the same letters for the name of the spaceship on its spherical hull.
Moments later, the explosions would start, cascading until the spherical hull became the last, most powerful part of the chain.
Once again the spherical hull turned into a swinging, resounding gong.
Its great spherical hull, made of the best Arkonide steel and measuring a mile in diameter, held within it a 2,000-man crew.
Thanks to the spherical hull, there was a large viewport, which cut down on the feeling of claustrophobia somewhat.