The spider then hangs upside-down by the fourth leg on the lower and shorter parallel edge of the trapezoid, which is spread by the other legs.
The spider hung motionless, like a dull brown gem in an intricate necklace.
Most arachnid webs are vertical and the spiders usually hang with their head downward.
The spider climbed his chin and hung upside down for a moment like a huge hairy bat, and Ralph did not move.
These spiders construct a dome of fine silk and hang upside-down under it, waiting for their prey.
The spiders hung their display webs across those trees, turning the light blue and red.
The spider made a convulsive gripe with his limbs, and hung dead across the window.
It was a small naked woman, made of that soft plastic from which jiggly spiders and lizards and the other things people hang in their car windows are also made.
The moonlight glinted off the short necklace he always wore, a tiny jeweled spider hanging from the delicate silver chain.
The spider very frequently hangs upside down near the center of its web and waits for insects to blunder in and get stuck.