It is the most widely known member of the family Tetranychidae or spider mites.
Its main drawback is that red spider mites love to feast on it.
The broad leaves tend to collect dust, and this in turn seems to be attractive to red spider mites.
Hot, dry conditions are often associated with population build-up of spider mites.
Prey consumption is up to 7 adult spider mites or 20 eggs per day.
If house plants have been less than beautiful and the foliage has appeared dusty, suspect spider mites.
It is especially common when spider mites occur in colonies.
When spider mites began attacking the new growth recently, cynical friends were quick to tell them, "This must mean something."
Most passionflowers are prone to white flies and red spider mites.
To control spider mites, wash the leaves in a jetstream of very cold water.