Skulltulas are giant spiders, named for the white, bony plate in the shape of a human skull that forms its carapace.
Increasingly for children of the 1990's, Web research is coming to mean something other than reading about a spider named Charlotte.
The voice is revealed to belong to a spider named Charlotte living on a web spun overlooking Wilbur's enclosure.
The winner, Jeremy Falling of Manchester, N.H., is having a spider named after him.
Lulu tells her troubles to her best friend, a spider named Harry.
The next day she sings a song about "chinning up", and reveals herself to be a spider named Charlotte.
Sitticus wuae is a species of jumping spider, named after the collector Hai-Yin Wu.
For her contributions to arachnology Densey Clyne has had two new species of spider named after her.
Mastophora dizzydeani is a species of spider named after baseball player Dizzy Dean.
Stasimopus mandelai, another spider named after Nelson Mandela.