Brassia species and its popular hybrids are common in cultivation, and are notable for the characteristic long and spreading tepals (in some clones longer than 50 cm), which lend them the common name "spider orchid".
Professor Davy explained why the early spider orchid was chosen as the species to be examined by the researchers.
Many native species of forest plant can be found in the undergrowth of the Catlins forest, including young lancewoods, orchids such as the spider orchid and perching Easter orchid, and many different native ferns.
Similar to other spider orchids, the flower consists of four long, lanceolate and curved filamentous modified sepals.
The spider orchid, Caladenia fitzgeraldii Rupp is named in his honour.
Abseiling and rock climbing are not permitted due to damage to endangered plant life (the threatened spider orchid Corybas "Kaitarakihi" (Corybas aff.
The victims have included species such as the early spider orchid, large blue butterfly and great bustard, all of which have disappeared from Britain in recent years.
The Yass daisy is listed as vulnerable, and the crimson spider orchid is listed as endangered.
Near the shore delicate green spider orchids bloom amid a profusion of American lotus, and alligators bask in the shallows.
In spring, wildflowers include spider orchids, Azure Sun Orchids, Desert Heath-myrtles and Poached-egg Daisies.