Several slender, spidery creatures worked diligently to add to the chaos.
There were hundreds of spidery creatures, clinging to one another, swarming and yet keeping their distance from him as if waiting for the right opportunity to attack.
Twisted crazily, long arms and legs outspread, the spidery creature looked like nothing human.
His lanky figure reminded Clyde of a spidery creature.
Grabbing the spidery creature, Harry flung the Wasp about and tried to get his own gun from his pocket.
Two spidery creatures, their bodies more like grotesque matchstick creations than honest flesh and blood, squatted facing one another.
The crowd, impelled by her, surged close to the wounded, spidery creature.
The detective stopped short as he saw Moultrie cringing against the bookcase staring at the writhing, spidery creature upon the floor.
They reminded her of something, these spidery creatures, though she couldn't place just what.
A spidery creature - all arms and legs - had been seen near the house of Mox.