It was a collection of long, spidery legs on either side of a central axis.
But the spidery legs splayed out, seemed to bite into the road surface and it was rock firm.
The beast reached down with spidery legs and dragged the tips across his chest.
And it was racing toward Buck Dixon on long, spidery legs.
The two other models looked like they'd probably both been designed for the low gravity of the Moon since they had spidery legs.
Her oars came out like long, spidery legs, and she seemed to walk through the froth-topped combers toward the mouth of the river.
I pictured fat red bugs with big eyes and spidery legs, crawling under the sheet.
Foon Koo had spidery legs; but his arms possessed immense strength.
It has six spidery legs which help dig in, when the entire fleet joins and becomes a city on the Martian surface.
I could hear the ground tearing under its spidery legs, and the clatter of its shell on the rocks.