Pain can occur because the muscles try to conform to the way the spine is curving often resulting in muscle spasms.
An extra head dangled uselessly from its back; a second spine curved away from the body like a sucking snake clinging rigidly to its victim.
Eydryth let herself fall, rolling onto her back, spine curved, at the same moment bringing her knees up.
The woman who had spoken, her spine curved like a bow, gazed steadily back.
Her cocooned body was still in a kneeling position, spine curved forward as if she was at prayer.
Her spine curved slowly from side to side, not twisting to avoid him but simply because her body needed to move.
They were spindly-legged beasts, many of them roach-backed, the spine curving upwards thus making them uncomfortable to ride.
She lounged back in her chair, legs crossed and spine curved in a pose of comfortable confidence.
Her spine curved, and her limbs drew in more and more tightly until she seemed impossibly small.
The spine of the tree curved like a man stretching tall after a heavy sleep.