The body is covered in large ridged, spiny scales.
Acanthopolis (meaning "spiny scales") was an armoured ankylosaurian dinosaur.
The flattened tail has a row of spiny scales on the lateral edges.
The distinctive feature of this genus is the presence of enlarged, spiny scales on the tail.
These lizards have several hornlike spines on the head, and a broad, flat body, covered with spiny scales.
It has distinctive tail whorls of spiny scales with large spines on the side which give the lizard its name.
Their characteristics include spiny scales arranged in rows and clusters.
These spiny scales are used to scare off predators, yet they are not very sharp.
It has small spiny scales but no lateral line and is a uniform silvery colour, the top of the back being black.
They have large globose bodies and a short compressed tail, and are covered with small spiny scales.