Soon after, she saw 20 birds spiraling high, perhaps ones she had counted earlier, perhaps not.
He spiraled high in the sky, so that they all could look around.
She mounted ancient stairways that spiralled so high around shafts dribbling with condensation as to shrink into their own vanishing points.
She giggled in delight, like a child on a roller coaster, and opened her arms wide, spiraling high into the night sky.
In the deepest part of the night they slept briefly, only to wake with the need spiraling high once more.
Heather's medical expenses spiraled so high, Ms. Guilarte-Smith had to go on welfare to get health insurance.
Nothing moved except a bird spiralling high.
Prices all through the Confederacy had spiraled dizzily high.
A wren spiralled high in the clear sky, singing.
Within seconds, the silver dragon was spiraling high in the sky.