Reassurance is another matter, except at the level where all great art reassures; for a spirit of slippage presides over The Possessed.
These spirits preside over sacred items called Kanari, clay pots in which the soul of the initiate is said to reside during ritual possession.
But the generous spirit that seems to guide the hand of the soup-making cook also presides over the dinner party where soup is the main attraction.
On Stomach, no one had, and his spirit presided.
The spirit of Walt Whitman presides over the three linked stories in this novel, Cunningham's first since "The Hours."
I hadn't realized just how valuable a horse Losgann was, and mentally thanked whatever benign spirits presided over such events that nothing had gone wrong.
The spirit of Niebuhr presided over the Nobel address.
What spirits had presided over the naming ceremonies of such a place?
The spirit of Walt Whitman presides over three linked stories set in New York.
Jack's benign spirit presided over us.