Then, after falling behind by 17 points in the third quarter, a spirited fourth-quarter rally by the Knicks was too little, too late.
The major disappointment was Repent, who won over so many fans with his spirited rally in the Travers, where he finished second.
The goal completed a spirited rally for the Penguins, who had fallen behind 3-1 early in the second period.
For the second time this week, the Knicks staged a spirited fourth-quarter rally only to fall short.
They said that the Soviets would never agree to eliminate an entire category of weapons," he said at a spirited rally in East Texas.
But if the number shows an increase of one-tenth of a pecentage point, or less, it could touch off a spirited rally in stocks and bonds.
The peaceful but spirited rally was held in front of the Daily News's headquarters on East 42d Street.
"That's enough for a spirited rally," he said.
With 11 hours to go, several hundred people had packed the place and were in the mood for a spirited rally.
Dodd, you are in luck: this is the most spirited rally we have had this term.