Except for a spirited 12-minute run to open the second half Thursday, it was one of the ugliest games the Liberty had played all season.
Still, the fish went through a full repertory of tailwalks, spirited runs and head shakes.
However, the team came together during the playoffs and made a spirited run to the league finals, only to lose that game 6-4.
After all, since mid-April, the Dow had climbed nearly 29 percent through last week, a spirited run in slightly less than four months.
It's obvious that Valentine's job will be in jeopardy if the Mets don't recover and at least make a spirited run at the playoffs.
The Jets all season have coalesced to make an interesting run, a spirited run and, most of all, a united one.
Being young, strong, and brimming with equine enthusiasm, the horse enjoyed trotting and occasional spirited runs.
It is not about making a spirited run and falling short.
But two other horses who ran with relatively light loads made a spirited run of it up front.
Ye'll be findin' yer road a spirited run, but he'll take a saddle, at least.