Kraushaar has appended to the show a small selection of works by other artists to suggest Kienbusch's formal and spiritual affinities.
As the title indicates, the exhibition is about tracing stylistic and spiritual affinities among the works of the artists.
The reason for this is because of her strong spiritual affinity, and she subconsciously avoided mixing around with other children.
In that sense he can claim a spiritual affinity with the line of London painters which stretches back as far as William Hogarth'.
The books traced the roots of his spiritual affinity with the disenfranchised and the dispossessed back to his childhood sense of being an outsider.
But by the second paragraph, what began as a communiqué of spiritual affinity turned into marketing, plain and simple.
My own experience with Diamond was nearly instantaneous, too-except that the initial attraction was cerebral in nature, an immediate apprehension of spiritual affinity.
And because we feel a spiritual affinity with our choices.
In each of these events, a spiritual affinity becomes progressively more actual.
Is it possible, right now, to affirm Jewish identity, or any other spiritual affinity, and not betray Spinoza?