I have been in darkness but, as this gentleman tells me, it was a spiritual darkness.
There has been a spiritual darkness over me.
The dark of the long night was a spiritual darkness, as well as a physical threat, and in the end it broke him.
Cumulatively, the name implies wonder at the Divine Light eliminating spiritual darkness.
It might also imply, "Hail the Lord whose name eliminates spiritual darkness."
"Once again, as in the early Middle Ages, the color black had become associated with spiritual darkness and cultural 'otherness'".
The moko-jumbie also represents the flip side of spiritual darkness, as stilt-dancing is most popular around holy days and Carnival.
Worst of all, spiritual darkness and despondency overwhelmed her for many months.
He said God was far more likely to be using electrical failure as a metaphor for his, Henry's, spiritual darkness.
This darkness stands for the spiritual darkness which sometimes envelops people, nations and history itself, in its desolate mantle.