It ends with a fervent prayer for the further spiritual enrichment of the Ephesians.
The duo then enrolled in a two-year ministerial program at their church for spiritual enrichment and a deeper knowledge of the Bible.
Kuriachira has always maintained a higher standard in everything from education to spiritual enrichment.
In contrast, Buber believed the potential of Zionism was for social and spiritual enrichment.
These economic rules civilization has imposed against the spiritual enrichment of human beings, I am 100 percent against.
Fitness training, stress management and even spiritual enrichment are now included in spa packages.
The best practitioners promise only an environment conducive to spiritual enrichment.
Many parents / caregivers are glad to allow the church to be in charge of the spiritual enrichment of their children.
It is a means to reach spiritual and mental enrichment.
The organization stated goals are spiritual enrichment, intellectual freedom, and community service.