He may have appreciated gospel music, for example, but he was also quick to point out the loss of the improvised spiritual harmonies it displaced.
In works like these, Nevelson reached her goal of transcending material reality to achieve spiritual harmony.
This is the psychosomatic base for disease, and with certain diseases, if one can put oneself back in spiritual harmony again, the disease disappears.
Or maybe it was because she hadn't exercised that authority enough, hadn't provided the guidance they needed to achieve spiritual harmony.
The path to immortality includes achieving physical and spiritual harmony through meditation, diet, exercise, breath control, and the use of herbs.
The Japanese martial art showing 'the way of spiritual harmony'
"So there's a spiritual harmony between the organ and the singing voice."
It is a secular village with social and spiritual harmony.
Our Elders teach that marriage is the ideal human union, a binding of a man and a woman in an eternal quest for spiritual harmony.
The choice of a new chaplain might have been expected to draw together the members of the House for a rare moment of spiritual harmony.