The city, with its narrow alleyways and passages, ancient houses, artisans' shops, inns, taverns, plazas, and churches, spread out in concentric circles from the sepulcher, one of the spiritual hubs of Christianity.
She is Ganas's oldest member, its spiritual hub and a font of crisp advice and endless sarcasm.
Ladnun is the spiritual hub of Ahimsa.
Piccadilly Circus is, of course, the spiritual hub of London.
It became the spiritual hub for Latter-day Saints in the region.
The anti-American protests that have filled the streets in Islamabad, Peshawar, Quetta and Karachi have been planned in madrassas - their maulanas, the elders who run the schools, are the spiritual hub of the protests.
One organization was Ummah Tameer-e-Nau, a relief agency founded by Mr. Mahmood and said by Pakistani officials to have been involved in agricultural work around Kandahar, spiritual hub of the Taliban.
His advocacy of anti-shrine-consolidation protests had its roots in his deepest anger towards the loss of inhabitants' spiritual hubs and the extinction of the landscape with which people felt an affinity.
The old Hirsauer Kirche was originally the spiritual hub for all villages in the Eßweiler Tal.
The Johanneskirche in Niederseelbach was from the Middle Ages the Seelbacher Grund's religious and spiritual hub.