But if one unconditionally loves the Guru by way of rendering service to him sincerely, spiritual liberation may be obtained relatively easily.
The mere sight of it is believed to bring spiritual liberation.
More provocatively, he asked what happened to the spiritual and physical liberation once accessed through these forms.
He felt a sense of intellectual and spiritual liberation in the constant examination that he saw the religion encouraging.
In 1936, Wolff experienced a profound spiritual liberation and awakening which provided the basis for his transcendental philosophy.
At first each seeker prac- tices as a path toward the goal of spiritual liberation.
The traditional belief is that reading this book leads to spiritual liberation.
Such merit contributes to a person's growth towards spiritual liberation.
In his case, it actually led to a spiritual liberation that has changed his life - for the better.
The key to the Varela Project is the personal and spiritual liberation of people.