The title gradually came to suggest a higher spiritual status.
He examines the spiritual status of animals in the Bible and explores the duties that humans have towards animals.
In consequence, he attained the same spiritual status of Prophethood as Jesus.
However, there are still many lilas organized privately, which conserves the music's sacred, spiritual status.
Nursing assessment is the gathering of information about a patient's physiological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual status.
Indigo has contempt for God because of her spiritual status, which is radically different from that of most other humans.
She cannot grow or change or surprise us because Ellis has already determined her spiritual status and her fictional function.
He balanced these statements with concessions on the Pope's spiritual status.
A special vow gives the Nazirite his (or her) spiritual status.
She held his wrists down and demanded, "You mean, can humans claim any spiritual special status?