This may seem whimsical, but one feels in the work over all a sensibility of impressive spiritual vitality.
The first aims at pleasing the senses, the second has a spiritual vitality which for me is more moving and goes deeper than the senses.
"I think they really provided the school with renewed intellectual and spiritual vitality," he said.
"There is a lack of spiritual vitality in the Jewish community," he says.
The common thread, he suggested, was a quest for physical, mental and spiritual vitality.
So that Yuli became at last a real priest, and tried to instill in the people a feeling for their own spiritual vitality.
In some Hasidic interpretations, prayer superseded study, as the spiritual vitality which could infuse all other activities.
An older term that tends to focus on the renewal of spiritual or sacramental vitality is revival.
In the Caterinian spirit of reform, he gave a new spiritual vitality to the Order.
In fact, many see seemingly negative effects of the digital era as evidence of spiritual vitality.