It was the blue spruce, a tree of dignified proportions and splendid color.
Since these seedlings were no doubt the results of last year's splendid colors, they were indeed welcome.
By the time Jake got downstairs, very elegant in his dinner jacket, she had a splendid colour and a slight headache.
Temper had given her a splendid colour and she was breathing rather fast.
The barbaric harness of the duelists lent splendid color to the savage, martial scene.
Orlith is in splendid color," he added, his voice unexpectedly warming, "for a queen so near clutching.
The stained glass, depicting the baptism of Jesus in splendid color, and the baptismal pond were brought from London.
Generally, only the exceptional antiques move - those blessed with impeccable provenance, splendid color and flawless carving.
The broad, long room they entered was decorated in gold with stained-glass windows of splendid colors.
Its splendid colours and its richly elaborated ornaments make the crown typical of the Empire period.