Neither method takes away from the dignity of these splendid flowers.
One to keep in mind is Prunelle, the handsome French dining room with splendid flowers and a decorous, knowledgeable service staff.
When selected for the right situation, it can provide dramatic accent with its splendid white flowers that appear in midsummer and remain for several weeks.
There are many rose shows and almost every municipality has a garden where these splendid flowers can be enjoyed.
Many other plant hunters explored in China as well, expanding the popularity of these splendid flowers.
One to keep in mind is Prunelle, the handsome French dining room with burled maple walls and splendid flowers.
Hugh Johnson, the British writer and plantsman said that magnolias "have the most individually splendid flowers of any trees."
Although most gardens are planned to continue a truly splendid flower display all through the summer months, many plants take a back seat.
She had a large broad-brimmed hat on, painted with the most splendid flowers.
Why not, also, other trees with immense, splendid flowers, perfuming whole regions?