We see every day the most splendid fortunes that have been acquired in the course of a single life by trade and manufacturers, frequently from a very small capital, sometimes from no capital.
I had the splendid fortune of being a student of Ustad Akhtar Sadmani, a noted and reputed classical vocalist of Dhaka.
A, perhaps more cynical, contemporary observer noted that Jones's wife was "the female heir of the House of Tredegar, who bestowed on the proprietor a splendid fortune."
Under those circumstances, much against my will, I shall be obliged"-- here his eye blazed out wildly--"to execute your father, whose obstinacy and influence stand between us and splendid fortunes.
It was a great blow to me to find that the last remnant of a once splendid fortune must at once go to pay this debt.
I'm not ambitious for a splendid fortune, a fashionable position, or a great name for my girls.
Moreta found herself grasping and shaking his hand repeatedly and wondering suddenly if anyone was noticing, but surely she could publicly congratulate him for such splendid good fortune.
It was by these means that a rapid and splendid fortune might be acquired at one and the same time.
Yes; I got the van, with the letter-files that now mean so much to us, and a splendid fortune including a good hundred-thousand-pounds' worth of old masters.
The captain raked in the hush money heavily for ten years, until even the prince's splendid fortune began to look a little foolish.