To aid him in collecting his splendid library, his friends wrote to the communities of Jerusalem, Aleppo, and Damascus, and he obtained books from those cities.
When he wasn't contriving neologisms, Sinclair also extensively rebuilt the town, endowing it with a splendid library in cautiously baroque style and a small square with a little park in the middle.
Artifacts, icons and books from the church's splendid library were thrown out to the street.
"I am visiting Cornell to use the facilities of your splendid library," Bose continued, laboring more as the going got heavier.
My master said they had a splendid library, as well they might, but the only work I saw the nuns do was clever and intricate embroidery of curtains, cloths and napkins.
His palatial house (now the Women's College in the University) which housed a splendid library was the meeting place of the intellect of the town.
"It is an altogether French place, very centrist, a little ancien regime," noted Genevieve-Morgane Tanguy, an ebullient, white-haired historian, seated in the castle's splendid library.
In 1623, after the capture of Heidelberg, the Elector Maximilian of Bavaria presented the splendid library, 196 cases of manuscripts, to Pope Gregory XV.
The castle's splendid library was catalogued, for the first time since 1885, by Eve Halliday.
Perhaps it is not surprising that too many visitors miss this splendid library, preferring such attractions as the real Darwin orchid, now on display, to mere illustrations.