It receives an elegant, colorful performance on a splendid recording of four fascinating chamber and vocal works by Mr. Meltzer.
But in his songs he almost always balances the contemporary classical and popular elements deftly, as this splendid recording of 34 songs spanning 40 years amply demonstrates.
His working relationship with Bernstein and the Vienna Philharmonic culminated in 1989, in splendid live recordings of the last three Beethoven concertos.
A splendid new recording of "Rappresentatione" on the French label Alpha has just been released here.
In a splendid new recording by the Ives Ensemble on Hat Art, the piece is five hours long: 293 minutes, to be exact.
For this and so much else, we must thank this splendid recording: it disregards assumptions accumulated over the last 150 years.
This is a splendid recording.
Listen to his lead slide guitar on the splendid 1961 recording of "Down in the Bottom."
The troubled opera's splendid first recording, from 1979, has been admirably digitalized.
For listeners who want perfection, there are splendid recordings of these works by Mitsuko Uchida and Andras Schiff, to name two.