The General simply converted the building with its splendid setting into the finest private estate in the county.
Liverpool has been described as having "the most splendid setting of any English city."
So he had a particularly splendid setting in which to pace, muttering into his brandy snifter.
There has been a reaction almost of incredulity that so many really beautiful buildings - some in splendid settings - are going to waste.
Banff (a 20-minute bus ride away) is a lively town with a splendid setting.
The 27 words of text inspire splendid settings for the boy and the beasts.
There were the thoughts that the drama unraveling in a splendid setting would continue for nine innings.
In each we find a clean bedroom, a firm bed, a fine hot shower - and a splendid setting.
Nerzhin had sometimes attended conferences in this splendid setting, but it was a very rare thing for him to come here by himself.
The Sea Grill finally has a chef and brigade worthy of its splendid setting.