Mr. Frederick Lynn has taken a seat beside Mary Ingram, and is showing her the engravings of a splendid volume: she looks, smiles now and then, but apparently says little.
When not singing, drawing or carousing, Chaliapin managed to produce two splendid volumes of memoirs.
This splendid volume, in many ways the capstone of the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works, is the first unabridged collection of Bonhoeffer's 1943-1945 prison letters and theological writings.
That splendid volume sets a very high standard of comparison, but Mr. Chernow's book is excellent in its own right.
His photographic journeys were recorded in a series of splendid large-scale volumes which appeared over the years.
This splendid volume, with its thick vellum, and its tooled leather binding, weighed about five kilograms.
Audubon had often shown a predator with its prey, and the relatively static bird plates of John Gould's artists for his splendid volumes also show this.
This splendid volume, decorated with many photographs, belongs on the coffee table, to savor after dinner.
There's virtue in rescuing so splendid a volume.
Mr. Butterfield brought to the immense project the high scholarly and literary standards that have distinguished it to this day, as publication of the Papers continues in one splendid volume after another.