A splinter movement that would, in time, prove greater and more effective than the Ping Tiao.
But these positive steps aside, Africa remains torn by 11 wars involving 16 nations, and countless rebel and splinter movements.
Concern remains that its members may join militant splinter movements, much like the breakaway factions of the Palestine Liberation Organization.
And slowly becoming a power himself, among the Reds and the radical Marsfirsters, out there on the "edge in a splinter movement, as the congress had proved.
Ms. Schlaes soft-pedals the revival of the anti-Semitic ultraright, treating the Republikaner party as if it was little more than a splinter movement.
And thanks to a splinter populist movement that siphoned off some of the strength of the incumbent Republican president, he was elected.
They dealt in secrets, drugs and death, each splinter movement striving to become the voice of a people in exile.
Traditionalist Catholicism is the name given to a small splinter movement that rejects the Second Vatican Council - which, among other reforms, cleared the Jews of deicide.
The next year, the PFLP abandoned the tactic of hijacking, although splinter movements would continue to hijack airplanes.