We went to the place where the flats sloped down to the splintered trees, near the spot where I had found the cartridge case.
The forest was a groaning wilderness of splintered trees and ear-splitting sound.
There were splintered trees uphill of them; the blond wood glinted among the leaves.
Eruptions of mud, splintered trees, and pulverized stone filled the air.
There was this splintered tree, and a hardwood branch that looked just right for a club.
It was while examining the footprint that Blade first became conscious of the odor clinging to the smashed and splintered trees.
They came to the mouth of the gulch and Knight stopped beside a splintered tree.
Vorashin found the machine gun position shrouded in shattered and splintered trees.
One wing broke close to the dragon's shoulder, and the other was pierced through by raw splintered trees, pinning it.
Debris has to be cleaned, and splintered trees have to be pruned.