The younger group also supported the one-party system, but they were more evenly split, 46 to 34 percent.
Under the current formula, the state and the city generally split 50 percent of all Medicaid costs, with the Federal government picking up the other half.
Minor party candidates split nearly 10 percent of the vote.
At a minimum, the two men and the Taxpayers Against Fraud will split 15 percent of the $85 million, the lawyers said.
Right from the start, each race was split 51 percent to 47 percent; the 4-point spread was pretty much maintained throughout the night.
They also split 40 percent of net gate sales.
Above that level, the managing directors in the business will split 40 percent of the profit.
The survey's respondents were split, 40 percent to 41 percent, on whether the economy was "fairly good" or "fairly bad."
In the 1990's, when the court decided many fewer cases, it split 18 percent of the time.
And they split 51 to 40 percent against the President on his handling of foreign policy.