The motion of a split-finger pitch is similar to the outlawed spitball, and at one time the pitch was known as the "dry spitter."
Yesterday, in a home-run emporium, Irabu searched for the split-finger pitch and could not find it.
With a runner on third and Grace at bat, he risked a split-finger pitch that landed in the dirt.
His split-finger pitch was responsible for Morris leading the league in wild pitches on six separate occasions.
Cone will throw more changeups, while laying off his split-finger pitch, but it may not hamper him since he has a varied repertory.
He struck out the rookie Charles Thomas with a split-finger pitch inside for the third out.
Smith has become fiercer since developing the split-finger pitch in 1991.
You have to have two good fastballs, one that hops a little and maybe a split-finger pitch, something with a sharp downward break.
Last night, Leary found that his split-finger pitches were too-often headed for unwanted places.
Perez, whose shoulder trouble stemmed in part from relying too heavily on his split-finger pitch, said he would pitch out of the bullpen if asked.