Why no spoiler warning?
It doesn't matter whether they're in there or not, just put a spoiler warning if they are.
This was a 'list of articles with spoiler warnings without ' based on the database on April 10, 2004 sorted by month of last edit, initial of title, title.
Ong did not give a spoiler warning and released the name of the winner of the contest.
When describing the plot of the film, Ebert gave a spoiler warning.
There are however spoiler warnings.
A few years ago, I began to notice "spoiler warnings" on Web-based movie reviews - a shorthand way of informing the reader that a key plot point was about to be revealed.
Foogos are (spoiler warning) logos made out of food.
Here s my spoiler warning: On Chesil Beach is far too lean and pure for me to muse on more than a few of its sentences without giving some secrets away.
You won't understand it, but I feel obligated to include a spoiler warning nonetheless.