French is the locally spoken language at that time.
For instance, one person would take a text written in Arabic and translate it by reading it out loud in the locally spoken Spanish.
From that point the river is always locally spoken of as the Panj River.
There are 90 individual languages of Ethiopia according to Ethnologue, with the 1994 Ethiopian census indicating that some 77 tongues were spoken locally.
Language: Portuguese (Crioulo is locally spoken form).
He did extensive work on the Afro-Asiatic and Nilo-Saharan languages spoken locally.
A variety of this language is called Matta and is spoken locally both north and south of Maboma.
There are several dialects spoken locally including Khmer, Shan and Kola.
This cultural richness is reflected in the number of different languages spoken locally and the variety of food on offer in local restaurants and shops.
Marathi is spoken locally, as Kerwad is also in close proximity to Belgaum.