The spokeswoman, Fran Curtis, did acknowledge that the government had required the band to submit a list of songs likely to be performed.
The military did not say whether the missing men had been captured, although a military spokeswoman acknowledged in an e-mail message that capture was possible.
A spokeswoman for Lazard acknowledged that the firm had its share of problems.
A spokeswoman for the National Trust for Scotland acknowledged there was a problem.
Lots of arguments have been advanced to support the notion that market timing simply doesn't work, the spokeswoman acknowledged, but the facts are actually quite heartening.
A spokeswoman for CBS sports acknowledged that recorded bird sounds were sometimes used, but said that the practice has ended.
(A spokeswoman for Scholastic acknowledged it was inappropriate for the audience.)
A spokeswoman for the medical center acknowledged that complaints were made and said that they were being reviewed.
A spokeswoman for the commission acknowledged receiving the letter but declined further comment.
A spokeswoman called it a fuel surcharge, but acknowledged that it was unlikely to be withdrawn.