"We are ready to strengthen international cooperation in this regard," the spokeswoman, Jiang Yu, told reporters.
A spokeswoman for G.E. told reporters today that the company still expected to close the acquisition by the end of September.
Goldstein was released from the hospital on September 26, 2008, a spokeswoman told AP.
A spokeswoman for the paper told The Independent that it would have no comment because of "ongoing legal proceedings."
A spokeswoman for the sheriff's department told People magazine that Richie "was released early due to overcrowding in the jail system.
"Normally, the French go on vacation in August; they leave en masse," a spokeswoman for the chain told me later.
(A spokeswoman told me on Friday that the Congressman had not intended to offend anyone.)
The visit is meant "as a speical treat for them," her spokeswoman in London told Reuters.
A spokeswoman told The Mirror that "steps have been taken to ensure it doesn't happen again."
A spokeswoman for the prize told the BBC that the change in the submission rules was to give more flexibility.