He began selling bicycles made under his name and sponsored a professional team in 1939 along with the tyre maker, Hutchinson.
The center sponsored the conference along with the Center for Advertising History at the Smithsonian Institution.
USAir sponsors the program along with Siemens, a German conglomerate that makes electrical, electronic and technical equipment in this country.
Heal the Bay is another organization, focusing on protecting California's Santa Monica Bay, by sponsoring Beach Cleanup programs along with other activities.
Congressman Thompson sponsored the resolution along with 76 other co-sponsors.
The owners also sponsor along with their employees local sports and activities.
"The buzzer is just to get her attention," said Rita Fraschini, an interpreter and spokeswoman for Italian researchers who are sponsoring the experiment along with various American universities.
Anyway, Amersham, which sponsors the contest along with Science magazine, doesn't just give the winners plaques.
SubmitINme sponsored the event along with three other sponsors which included Mc Graw Hill.
Mr. Pataki, who sponsored the bill along with Senator William Larkin, Republican of Windsor, added that the legislation had an added virtue.