Legal immigrants waiting for their green cards know that use of such programs can lead to deportation or jeopardize their chances of sponsoring relatives for immigration.
Increased ability to sponsor relatives living abroad.
Legal residents, including those who gain permanent residence under the amnesty program, can sponsor close relatives for legal status, but it is a long process.
But the case is one of thousands filed every year by Haitian immigrants who sponsor relatives back home who want to move to the United States.
Citizens and permanent residents of the United States may sponsor relatives for immigration to the United States in a variety of ways.
Its immigration accelerated in the 1970s through a classic pattern of daisy chain migration with "seed" immigrants sponsoring close relatives who eventually sponsored others.
Haitians already here are also agreeing to sponsor relatives and friends who are still in the camp at Guantanamo.
Additionally it allows visa holder through a family reunion program to sponsor close relatives to Australia.
The right to sponsor relatives for permanent residence, subject to fulfilling residence criteria and assurance of support requirements.
You can sponsor close relatives for immigration to this country by agreeing to support them if necessary for the first year.