She was a pretty spooky kid.
However his curiosity is aroused and he asks to see the "spooky kid".
Describing working with his daughter Ella he said: "After playing a spooky kid in Hammer horror Wake Wood, she wanted to be in a film she could watch.
He became an honorary spooky kid, and went by the groupie name Gordy White.
Old women, young women, even girls Carol Gerber's age, all pregnant, and the children they gave birth to were those spooky kids from the poster, the ones with the blond hair and the glowing eyes.
She was rude and insistent, and she struck some of them as a spooky little kid.
Behind Henry and on his left was Patrick Hockstetter, a genuinely spooky kid.
This jaw-dropping doco infiltrates Phelps' only-in-America church where her 11 spooky kids regularly picket funerals of US soldiers killed in Iraq - they believe God killed them to show his hatred of how 'depraved' America now is.
Get out and take that spooky kid with you!