The technique would be more effective if the producers cut back on the spooky sounds that are meant to create tension and suggest danger.
And the spooky sounds in the house, how we pretended they were normal.
The three actors were dragged into the woods, and almost tortured with the cold weather, food shortages and spooky sounds.
Coming out of the dark maw of the cave, it was a spooky sound.
Along with the storm, spooky sounds and sometimes the Gatekeeper's laughter can be heard.
Elsewhere, scenes of the shock device at work, apparently provided by the institute, were broadcast in slow motion to a spooky sound.
"These might have been stuck in to make the spooky sounds!"
He got laughs with his spooky "woo-ooh" sound.
I dunno if that's the truth or not, but it's a spooky sound.
(No re-enactments; just the camera moving threateningly to spooky sounds.)