Guns fell mostly silent, but there were sporadic exchanges of sniper fire across the Muslim-Christian dividing line in the capital.
After some intense and sporadic exchanges, the Wailea fell back to a siege of sorts comprised (by Dillon's accounting) of several thousand natives.
Neighborhood residents who spoke to HRW said that major fighting in the area had stopped by the morning of January 7, although sporadic exchanges of fire may have continued after that.
A sporadic exchange of mortar and gunfire that began on Saturday at a nearby airport spread to the city, and casualties were believed to be heavy on both sides.
The gunfire, which had died away to a sporadic exchange of single shots, broke out again on both sides with renewed fury.
As the official parade rolled by, there was a sporadic exchange of jeers.
Gunfire had diminished to sporadic exchanges by late morning, and the base was considered secure enough for a visit by Mr. Alfonsin.
The Israeli Army did not confirm the shootings, but reported sporadic exchanges of gunfire in both areas.
There was a sporadic exchange of fire.
Bolan saw sporadic exchanges of fire between commandos and security patrols who attempted to intercept them.