For the last couple of years, the sporadic talk has been that he is getting slower, is less durable and is less a factor.
And during sporadic talks with The Nation, he read the weekly closely, and found his own opinions being shaped by what he read.
There have been sporadic talks on a bill to change the Republicans' much-maligned rules for holding presidential primaries.
Since last year, when the Government failed to make progress in sporadic talks with opposition groups, hard-line military factions appear to have gained the upper hand.
The notion of "one China" was the basis of sporadic talks between Taiwan and China.
The two countries have held sporadic talks on the issue but have never come close to reaching a solution.
Brazil's sporadic talks have led nowhere.
In the 1990's, there has been sporadic talk of intensifying security even further.
The vote culminates two years of sporadic talks between the union and the A.T.A.
In April, after more than a year of sporadic talks, Citibank made an offer that banking authorities liked.