The spearfishing, especially in the annual spring run of walleye pike, has been the focus of protests by non-Indian sport anglers.
The demonstrations intensified last spring when the state announced it would reduce the maximum catch of walleye pike for sport anglers.
For example, he said, in 1996 sport anglers took approximately 10 times as many striped bass from state waters as commercial fishermen.
Because of its size and strength, it is also prized by sport anglers, who usually release it unharmed.
It is caught incidentally by commercial fisheries in bottom trawls and on fishing line, as well as by sport anglers.
But the recreational limits were not changed, fanning sport anglers' resentments.
This caused the development of a salmon/alewife fish community, popular with many sport anglers.
Hence, the protected slot limit increases the amount of fish that reach the large sizes sought by sport anglers.
Cape Cod is known around the world as a spring-to-fall destination for sport anglers.
The lagoon is abundant in bonefish, a popular species with sport anglers.