The school was established in 1961 and offers general academics (the college preparatory studiespesialisering of the Norwegian school system) and sports studies.
He attended the University of New Hampshire and majored in sports studies.
But in the academic field of sports studies, which has emerged at colleges across the country over the last decade, deconstructing Michael Jordan is only the beginning.
By contrast, the school now has 150 undergraduates and 100 graduate students doing sports studies.
During the 1980s, a particular school of Body Culture Studies spread, in connection with - and critically related to - sports studies.
Many fine universities offer degrees in exercise science, sports studies, physical education and sports management.
He then moved on to Miami University, where he was a graduate assistant and earned a master's degree in sports studies in 1997.
Traditionally, most academic departments looked down on sports studies.
In 1993, the Associated Press released results of a national sports study.
Jones attended college at Iowa where he majored in sports studies.