Although he, too, said he favors increased spending on education, he said he hoped for an agency-by-agency review, in order to spot areas for cutbacks.
Maal knows the ample amount of resources and technology here in America and feels that if we could just spot light these areas, then maybe governments would straighten up.
In cooperation with Google Earth Outreach, they can request more detailed satellite photos when they spot suspicious areas.
Advisory work of all sorts-market surveys, spotting opportunities for new products, or new areas for existing products, and so on.
The amount of the Amazon that has been clear-cut is well known, because satellite images can easily spot deforested areas.
You can then spot important areas where you're not meeting volunteer needs as well as where you are.
The Web site may be helpful in spotting weak areas; applicants may be told to explain late payments on credit cards, for instance.
Characters are allowed an I test to spot areas of rotted wood - there is a -25 penalty if they don't specify that they're actually looking!
There are two dedicated spotting areas at Perth Airport.
But education experts say it is easy to spot areas of questionable spending - among them, job categories that traditionally have been associated with political patronage.