The 30-second spots end with a cover of the magazine riding up to block out the bobbing head.
The spot ends with the man sitting in front of his television set, next to Croft, playing video games.
The spot ends with the photograph shredded, revealing the words "Think about what hate can do."
The spot ends with the words "the courage to do what's right for America" in white writing on a black background.
The spot ends with these words on screen: "Everyone has a reason to see somebody.
The spot ends with the mother declaring, "This is a building we've made into our home."
The spot ends with the words "Let our people vote."
The first symptoms produced are small yellow spots on the needle ends that develop in late summer or fall.
Has anyone in bowl central heard of coordinating games with network commercial breaks to start plays just as the spots end?
The spot ends with the words "Back by popular neglect."