It soon spreads across the whole south-western part of today's France and is even spotted in various towns up north throughout the 12th century.
The area was spotted with apple orchards throughout much of the 1800s.
Highlights: Hundreds of Greater flamingos can be spotted here throughout the year.
She can easily be spotted throughout the video by the fact that she's usually wearing red, while everyone else is wearing more muted colors.
Today, holiday windows with bite, designed more for wish-fulfilling grown-ups than wishful children, can be spotted throughout the city.
Recently, rambling bears have been spotted throughout North Jersey.
It's a freshwater river dolphin that can be spotted throughout the Ganges river system.
A variety of wildlife can be spotted throughout Lakes Park, especially birds.
Spotted throughout the building are transmitters connected to the Internet and the school's Intranet.
Pants were spotted throughout the collection, and they looked fine.