Mr. Spitzer said the existing policies have had only spotty successes and are often bogged down by bureaucratic procedures that discourage developers.
For 30 years now, New York has been trying to renovate its vacant lots, with only spotty success.
Ken O'Brien has had spotty success against the Patriots at quarterback.
For years, the answer to all these questions seemed to be no - the field of concert hall acoustics has had only spotty success.
The reincarnation has had spotty success.
Despite their spotty commercial success, the influence of the duo was beginning to become more evident in rap music.
He has been involved in this game since the 1970's with spotty success.
But he also had to earn a living, and in this endeavor he had rather spotty, well, success.
Monterrico has tried to attract more tourists, but with spotty success.
Recognized as an inventor, Breer had attained only spotty success, because he seldom carried ideas to their completion.